Take a good look at this 
Exhibit A.
Doesnt it look awfully similar to

Doesnt it look awfully similar to
In a recent Costco jaunt, looking for laundry detergent, we found tide pods and then we found this green and white thing at a lesser price and bonus pods. Happy shoppers. A recent ad with a husband and wife quabbling over scrubbing the muffin pan before putting into the dishwasher with 'cascade'. And then comes in
the mediator/expert who says that the husband is right. I looked at this ad peripherally a couple of times, until this time where I started paying attention. And then it made me wonder if my clothes are being washed with a dishwater detergent. A quick laundry room check confirmed it.
In this world of grabbing discounts, it is not a surprise that such mess ups happen. Trying to satisfy an optimizing condition, hurting the main function.