Wednesday, July 27, 2005

broken lyrics

Today my boss was away with everybody's knowledge, what with his relaying of information about the precise moment of his absence. My cubicle mate was away too on some training. I was reminded of a song I used to hear repeatedly 3 years ago, when i was working alone on weekends. I cant recall the lyrics. It was something about a very sad state of affairs in a poor man's life.. his broken sink/kitchen. Not any famous song. I am afraid, I will neve rknow the name of the song. I was searching on the net for it. It suddenly seized my interest, that if you actually let, you could go crazy about lyrics. The beauty of a short piece is in its wholesomeness.


adhyayan said...

Hi dominque...
tried leaving acomment on your site.. but there's no such option.. keep writing your blog... its very interesting to read about your job

adhyayan said...

few good reads..

Amit Ghosh said...

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and if you dont enable the word verification on your blog, spammers will not stop the attack ;)