Thursday, September 07, 2006

Stay at home

Buses and their arrival times.
Well, I used to go by the 7.55 bus and soon I found it convenient to go by the 8.05, just giving myself extra time to come to terms with the morning and the work that ensues after. I dont know when but the schedule has very conveniently adjusted itself to 8.30 too.
Today morning I was just few seconds away from the 7.55 and just then my roomate too was ready. I told her, I will take it easy and 'stay at home' for a while and go by the 8.05 and she said she would try for the 7.55 bus.
Filled with the pride of precision timing of starting from house at 8.03, I stood at the bus stop , trying to bear the heat while reading a book on Bernini's art , telling myself that the bus will be here any moment and that I dont have to go stand in the shade of the parking lot which requires me to be more attentive and equipped with superhuman vision to know if the bus is coming, to filter out of all the white looking vehicles which is the prized valley metro with '72 Chandler' on it.
And when the sun got too bright, I just went and stood in the shade. The bus came after 8.30.
So there we were, both of us ready to leave at the same time but caprices of the drivers and the traffic made me reach office late by more than half an hour.

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