Sunday, January 21, 2007

Listen to your friends

It all started months ago, when I had beetroot rasam at a friends place. I was so taken by beetroot that day, that I knew I was going to have it again... Now I will have it when it either changes its colour or stops leaking which is never..
I have had enough of visual effects of betacyanin. If you have to cook beetroots for many but have only few, mix carrots and or cauliflower. Once cooked they will all look like beetroot anyway. It seemed so much like a personality trait ... of not keeping to itself...
I should have listened to my friend. I thought peeling it was the only discouraging thing.. and I couldnt be stopped. I was only making a wish of having beetroot come true. And I had the previous excellent review of tasting it to back on. So how much ever or what ever my friend said would not make a difference.
When I get this feeling of how would this vegetable go with that, I just have to try it, even if someone says dont. And when I do that I am just considering if I am a Don Juan in a way. In a book I read recently, a conversation had it that Don Juan went for one after another because thats the only way to test if his power/effect still worked. Its like how the boy who was told he could scream for help kept doing it to see if it works..Why do we make wishes come true? Is it to see if we can make our next wish come true.
Oh, why I say a 'conversation had it that way' is to just say how we chance upon different interpretations because of who we are talking with...


Once my roomate had some beetroot leftover from a salad. We made a raita from it. Boy was it the prettiest.
My husband once made an aloo and beetroot curry. I havent had that combination before. his favourite from hostel food. Mine happens to be a runny plain dal.
last week I made poha with some beetroot in it. we all know how its good at lending colours.

1 comment:

Maverick said...

I had a beetroot once in a salad n whenevr i see it i can only imagine it as something with which which u can make ur clown's nose.