Thursday, April 26, 2007

Some buses on the other side...

If a bus takes you halfway to your destination, it must seem very logical to get as close as soon. It is possible that on the day you decide to get logical, things could just align themselves to ensure that you could lose more time than you have saved.
A driver got distracted by two trucks and had gone far ahead before she could take a turn to a usual stop. I just looked to other regular busmates. The driver seemed as prepared to salvage by saying that she could go back up and drop the person where he needed to get off. Never mind, he missed his connecting bus. Never mind that a person is waiting on the other side thinking what happened to the bus that should take her to the school.
Going back was only half the work-around. So now you know how half the buses which seem to be going in the opposite direction land there in the first place. They were meant to be on your route, but some trucks decide other wise...

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