Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Hope for Animals and their world

When I first saw the cover of this book, I dont think I was ready for the book to read a tome of a single person and a chimpanzee. It is possible cos of the experience of Wauchula Woods accord book about retired celeb animals did not leave a good taste. Charles Siebert's writing was good but the meaning he found in his encounters with the animals is locked in him.
When I read of Jane Goodall being the first person to notice that chimpanzees do 'tool use' in Timeless Earth, the neglected book got a 'pop out'. The book greatly enchances the knowledge of dying species, lost and found species. The efforts of some people in saving species are commendable. Sometimes people come up with such ingenious methods - like feeding ficus to an animal which likes gooey stuff, condors end up feeding glass and other dangerous stuff to their babies, these were removed by the enthusiasts monitoring their entry into wild.

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