Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Under test

I am undergoing a test now. Test for TB. I havent reached the quarter mark. An interesting day at the clinic. I learn a thing about my self. My left little finger does not pulse. Should I believe the Finger pulse oximeter? Mostly because its all bone. Its a pity that little fingers and toes get so undermined. Ever notice how the tiny toe gets squeezed and out of shape with no 'leg room'.
The doctor asked if I took BCG. If I were from my parents generation, I might have scars, the vaccination marks to tally. I just read of the small pox vaccination and the bifurcated needle. You dont want to know any more of it. If you thought this calls for the curtains, we should all throw a brownie party to whoever replaced
tine test with any other test. Why positively its like four dentists at work on your teeth. That experience is its own story.
I ask about BCG. I find it fascinating that there are ways to learn of vaccines administered, other than the marks. I have not thought much about vaccines other than that they need to be taken. But on careful pondering over it, it seems like staging a drill in your body for a fire or such adverse event. Its a watermark that stays in your body for as long as you live.

How about a scare tactic to make children learn their geography? BCG vaccine's efficiency varies with longitude.

A parent tried many visits to a government hospital for BCG to her kid, but they were always out of stock.

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