Thursday, April 26, 2012

Self timed camera

At the Grand Canyon entrance, we waited in line to take  a picture.  I saw  lady with an ipad sort of a device in a red jacket with a keypad hanging down. I went closer to take a look at it. It occurred to me ask to take a photo of her and her partner. She was glad when I asked. Next in line was a group of four, the main man unhappy for the time being taken by the previous group, inorganically put the camera self timed and went and joined the picture (He propped it on something, I need to see if that was his or was it there always?). There is always a good camaraderie floating around tourists with people asking and offering for pictures to be taken.
At the Hermit's rest, we saw a huge raven, which did not mind being very close to people. Closer to the Bright angel trail, a squirrel lay on the parapet wall not scared by people trying to get it to reach for them.

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