Tuesday, April 10, 2012

All things birdy


when the author Julie Zickefoose writes about the brains of Carolina wrens being bigger than that of sparrows, I am reminded of last night's dream/mare, where I saw my brain.
By noting the time the eggs of a bird take to hatch from the birds books and comparing them with the specimens in her garage, she turns her house into a science lab.
Wildlife rehabilitator license
The author compares the behaviours of different kinds of birds. With regards to Fecal sac, she explains how chimney swifts young defecate in a style different from the birds that are in open-cup nests. While pointing out these differences, she also explains the motivation for the other birds to remove the tracks of diaper activity to keep predators away.
I didnt know that Cotton-Eyed Joe was an Appalachian tune.
Grouse young fly so quickly.
Population cycles in animals which have young once a year.
Edwin Way Teale
Snail Kite
Duck Stamp and land conservation.
Looking at the word blueprint, after many months the name of blueprint review magazine figures.
Looking at the word pacific, my guess that the Pacific Ocean might have something to do with pacifying is right.

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