Saturday, July 14, 2012

Words meet

I was trying to answer What word will you rarely/never use in a poem?. The correct answer is a word that I dont know. But for kicks, I opened the dictionary to find a word that I hate. I came across nurse maid and then 'milk maid' figured. Milkmaid as a conjunction of two words. In that dictionary search, when I came across 'Mongoose', it seemed like I was looking at a stranger I was tring to place.

While thinking of folktales, I was reminded of  Burra katha. I watched it once as a kid in my grandfather's village during Dussehra late night.

The scale in this cover page being different fits well into the picture, breaks a barrier in our head and creates an alter-image of the distorted proportions. Mind morphing without the unease of surrealism.
Now I am interested in knowing how surrealists think.

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