Friday, May 11, 2012

Franzen Closer

In Masafuera while chasing a rare bird Masafuera Rayadito, the author Jonathan Franzen compares his solitary life during that trip with that of Crusoe.
Roquentin like Robin Crusoe. Its ironic that Crusoe should fear the footprints of another person while from Cast Away that company is welcome.
song bird hunting in Cyprus
The Hundred brothers
In 'On autobiographical fiction' he answers four questions novelists are asked. He says that 'All loyalties, both in writing and elsewhere, are meaningful only when they're tested. being loyal to yourself as a writer is most difficult when you're starting out - when being a writer hasn't yet given you enough of a public return to justify your loyalty to it.'
Chinese Hwamei
Japanese White eye
The Chinese Puffin
He sells Alice Munro's Runaway.

By writing of the guilt felt in reading fiction, the author gives voice to my thoughts.

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